My True Love

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

KL MissAdventures - THE GAME

... Just sharing an old post from my old blog, recently revised as I have learned more about myself and about men and women alike these past 8 months in KL (hu hu hu). BUT I'm not an expert ok?

This is dedicated to all the women my friends have loved before.

KL is a big buffet for men. This I'm so glad to have my brothers by my side to learn from. Of course I've had my share of reading the following books:

Both books are truly enlightening, practical and dangerously informative if you don't use your right judgment. Read this but don't show it to any man....AT ALL muwahahahaha :)

Women (who are still hopeful) want the kind of man who shows commitment, effort and time. Somewhere along the way we bump into some irresistible "potholes" on the road. If you want a little fun in your life, protect your heart.

A woman needs 2 things - Self-confidence and a thick stomach. Little did players know that when he meets a woman, chances are she has been living a full and exciting single life and is far from cutting it short. And so you’ve found you’re match…what do you do? - my galpal Paganism once said . . . "It's time to THINK LIKE A MAN"

1. Keep in mind the "BEAT THE PLAYER HANDBOOK" He gives you sweet and sexy compliments, just say "I know." The truth is, always doubt the substance of their words especially if you just met or under the influence of alcohol. When he asks for your number, get his instead and say “I’ll call you.” Then call after a couple of days. When he asks you out, say “Sure, I’ll give you a call next week.” When he sends you text saying, “I had a great time last night” answer with something short like “I had a great time too.” Any guy who gets this will want to call you back for reassurance that you want to see him again. He'll text you if he wants to see you, but if you do the same will he be there? If you can't beat 'em, IGNORE 'em. So you like him and want to know more about him? JUST ASK DIRECT QUESTIONS, and you get your well deserved honest answer.

2. How to get an honest answer
Most questions we want to ask are basically “taboo”. Say you want to know his age, or if he’s single, or basically if he’s NOT seeing anyone. Use the detective kind of questioning like you want to get to the bottom of it- - ask the question with a direct tone, sexy eyebrows together and lean back. When you get his answer, nod your head and say “hmmm ok” with eyes looking like you want to believe him. This way, you can get him to answer ANY questions.

3. R-E-S-P-E-C-T his space
One thing I learned is that men deserve to hibernate into their own world from time to time. Most women feel "left out" when a man wants to spend time with his "mates". Ignore him. You don’t want to look clingy do you? Don’t worry he’ll be back. In the meantime, enjoy your “single” life and keep your independence. Since it’s clear that he’s NOT your boyfriend, then continue going out on dates.

When will this game ever end?
It’s GAME OVER when you get tired of wasting your time. SERIOUSLY.

Due to my cynicism, not necessarily brought about by my own demise but by vicarious experiences, I asked my player friend this: "How long are you going to keep up this act of being a player?" He replied "When I have found the right one." Which led me to ask myself this - "Are men actually capable of being choosing to only be with just ONE woman?" I think I thought out loud when he replied "YES".

Hmmm....there is a glimmer of hope at least for those who are not as cynical as me.

1 comment:

på9ån said...

and all women only wanted 1 thing in life - SETTLED LIFE hahahahahaahaha